function [rho,Q,Qmax,Act] = R_learn_acq(alpha,beta,h,p,n_servers,MAX_N_EPISODES) % R_LEARN_ACQ - R learning for the access control que problem % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-12-03 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- epsilon = 0.1; % for our epsilon greedy policy % the probability of getting each type of client: op = (1.0-h)/3; p_client = [ op, op, op, h ]; % the client rewards: client_rew = [ 1, 2, 4, 8 ]; n_diff_clients = length(client_rew); % a state is the number of free servers + the type of client next in line nStates = (n_servers+1)*n_diff_clients; nActions = 2; % our agent can reject(==0) or accept(==1) % Initialize the things we will learn: rho = 0.0; Q = zeros(nStates,nActions); % the number of free servers ... we start with everyone of them free: n_free = n_servers; % get the first client type: cIndx = sample_discrete( p_client, 1, 1 ); st = [ n_free, cIndx ]; sti = sub2ind( [n_servers+1,n_diff_clients], st(1)+1, st(2) ); for ei=1:MAX_N_EPISODES, % pick action to take using an epsilon greedy policy derived from Q: % if( n_free>0 ) if( Q(sti,1)~=Q(sti,2) ) % Q's for all actions are not equal ... pick the greedy option [dum,at] = max(Q(sti,:)); if( rand 0 ) finished = sample_discrete( [1-p,p], n_busy, 1 ); % 1 => not finshed; 2 => finished n_finished = sum( finished-1 ); % subtract one to map "not" finshed to zeros and one to "finished". else n_finished = 0; end; clear n_busy; n_freeP = n_free+n_finished; if( at==1 ) % ... record that we accepted a new client n_freeP = n_freeP-1; end stp = [ n_freeP, cIndxP ]; % compute the next state stpi = sub2ind( [n_servers+1,n_diff_clients], stp(1)+1, stp(2) ); % get max(Q(t+1,:)): if( n_freeP > 0 ) maxQP = max(Q(stpi,:)); else maxQP = Q(stpi,1); end % update Q: Q(sti,ati) = Q(sti,ati) + alpha*( rew-rho + maxQP - Q(sti,ati) ); % get max(Q(t,:)): if( n_free > 0 ) maxQ = max(Q(sti,:)); else maxQ = Q(sti,1); end % update rho: if( abs( Q(sti,ati)-maxQ ) < 1.0e-9 ) rho = rho + beta*( rew-rho + maxQP - maxQ ); end % update the current state: n_free = n_freeP; cIndx = cIndxP; st = stp; sti = stpi; end % end for episode loop [Qmax,Act] = max( Q, [], 2 ); Act=Act-1; % after reshape, dimensions will now be [0,1,2,\cdots,10] x [worst cust,\cdots,best cust.] = % [n_free servers] x [worst,best cust ranking] Qmax = reshape( Qmax, [n_servers+1,n_diff_clients] ); Act = reshape( Act, [n_servers+1,n_diff_clients] ); % order the output so it is [worst cust. \cdots best cust] x [0,1,2,\dots,10] ... as the output from the book Qmax = Qmax.'; Act = Act.'; % -- delete the zero column corresponding to zero free servers: Qmax(:,1) = []; Act(:,1) = [];