function [arms_Err_mc,arms_Err_td] = eg_rw_batch_learn(nEpisodes,alpha) % EG_RW_BATCH_LEARN - using TD(0) and consntant step size monte carlo learn (in batch) % the value function for the random walk example. % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-12-07 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- PRNT_CONV=1; if( nargin < 2 ) alpha = 0.1; end; gamma = 1; % the discount factor % the number of non terminal states plus two terminal states: nStates=5+2; % generate many episodes of our random walk: % episodeHistory = {}; % <- save a history of the sequence of states seen for ei=1:nEpisodes, % perform a random walk: % % --states are [1=X,2,3,4,5,6,7=X] == [X,A,B,C,D,E,X] and we start at C=4 (X is a terminal code) st = 3+1; R=0; stateseen = [st]; rewseen = []; while( 1 < st && st < 7 ) if( rand<0.5 ) stp1=st+1; else stp1=st-1; end % assign a reward for this step: if( stp1~=7 ) rew = 0; else rew = +1; end R = R+rew; rewseen = [ rewseen; rew ]; stateseen = [stateseen; stp1]; st = stp1; end % store this episode into our history: anEp.stateseen = stateseen; anEp.rewseen = rewseen; anEp.R = R; episodeHistory{end+1} = anEp; end truth = (1:5)/6; conv_tol = 1e-6; arms_Err_mc = zeros(1,nEpisodes); arms_Err_td = zeros(1,nEpisodes); tic; for ei=1:nEpisodes, if( 1 || PRNT_CONV ) fprintf('batch learing of V{mc,td} on %d episodes in ~ %f sec time...\n',ei,toc); end; tic thisBatch = episodeHistory(1:ei); %-- % perform batch updating of Vmc: %-- Vmc = 0.5*ones(1,nStates); Vmc(1)=0; Vmc(end)=0; icnt=0; while( 1 ) % -- accumulate the MC differences for thisBatch V_mc_incrs = zeros(1,nStates); for bi=1:length(thisBatch), anEp = thisBatch{bi}; % get an episode stateseen = anEp.stateseen; rewseen = anEp.rewseen; R = anEp.R; for si=1:(length(stateseen)-1), % <- the last state is always the terminal state st = stateseen(si); rt = rewseen(si); V_mc_incrs(st) = V_mc_incrs(st) + alpha*(R-Vmc(st)); end end icnt=icnt+1; if( PRNT_CONV ) if( (icnt<10) || mod(icnt,100)==0 ) fprintf('MC iter %d error=%8.5g...\n',icnt,max(abs(V_mc_incrs))); end end if( max(abs(V_mc_incrs))1e1 ) error( 'MC algorithm is diverging...decrease alpha...\n' ); end % accumulate all updates and apply them to Vmc/Vtd: Vmc = Vmc + V_mc_incrs; end Vmc = Vmc(2:end-1); % remove terminal states arms_Err_mc(ei) = mean( (Vmc-truth).^2 ); %-- % perform batch updating of Vtd: %-- Vtd = 0.5*ones(1,nStates); Vtd(1)=0; Vtd(end)=0; icnt=0; while( 1 ) % -- accumulate the TD differences for thisBatch V_td_incrs = zeros(1,nStates); for bi=1:length(thisBatch), anEp = thisBatch{bi}; % get an episode stateseen = anEp.stateseen; rewseen = anEp.rewseen; R = anEp.R; for si=1:(length(stateseen)-1), % <- the last state is always the terminal state st = stateseen(si); rt = rewseen(si); %if( stp1~=1 && stp1~=7 ) % don't update terminal states stp1 = stateseen(si+1); V_td_incrs(st) = V_td_incrs(st) + alpha*(rt + gamma*Vtd(stp1) - Vtd(st)); %end end end icnt=icnt+1; if( PRNT_CONV ) if( (icnt<10) || mod(icnt,100)==0 ) fprintf('TD iter %d error=%8.5g...\n',icnt,max(abs(V_td_incrs))); end end if( max(abs(V_td_incrs))1e1 ) error( 'TD algorithm is diverging...decrease alpha...\n' ); end % accumulate all updates and apply them to Vtd/Vtd: Vtd = Vtd + V_td_incrs; end Vtd = Vtd(2:end-1); % remove terminal states arms_Err_td(ei) = mean( (Vtd-truth).^2 ); end % end episode loop