function [rewseen,stateseen] = eg_7_5_episode(n_rw_states) % EG_7_5_EPISODE - simulate the states and rewards for a markov chain % where with a fixed probability p we cycle back to our current state and % with a fixed probability 1-p we transition to the state to the right of % the current state. % % The reward is +1 on entering the rightmost terminal state. % % n_rw_states: the number of non-terminal states % % we return states in the range [1,n_rw_states+1]. % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-12-07 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- % the probabiilty of a transition=p (q=probablity we stay in the same state): p = 0.5; q = 1-p; %p = 0.25; q = 1-p; %p = 0.05; q = 1-p; % start at the left most state: st = 1; stateseen = [st]; rewseen = []; while( st < (n_rw_states+1) ) % go forward sometimes; stay at the same location otherwise: if( rand