function [V] = rw_online_w_et(lambda,alpha,n_rw_states,nEpisodes) % RW_ONLINE_W_ET - Performs td(lambda) learning with eligibility traces % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-12-07 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- % the number of episodes (in general this would need to be much larger to gaureentee complete learning): %nEpisodes = 1000; % the number of non terminal states plus two terminal states: nStates=n_rw_states+2; % initialize the states ... terminal states are defined to be ZERO V = zeros(1,nStates); % initialize the eligbility trace (to zero): et = zeros(1,nStates); gamma = 1.0; %gamma = 0.9; for ei=1:nEpisodes, % perform a random walk getting the sequence of rewards recieved and the % sequence of states we transition through ... this is the surragate of % performing actions with some policy % [rewseen,stateseen] = rw_episode(n_rw_states); % compute the temporal difference and elibility traces update for each % state s_t for t=0,1,2,\cdots,T-1 (the states visited) % % and use these to update V(\cdot): % T = length(rewseen); for t=0:(T-1), % <- STATE index ... st = stateseen(t+1); rew = rewseen(t+1); stp = stateseen(t+2); delta = rew + gamma*V(stp) - V(st); % the temporal difference et(st) = et(st)+1; % update V(\cdot) with this information: V = V + alpha*delta*et; % update our elibility trace: et = gamma*lambda*et; end % end state sequence loop ... end % end episode loop ... % remove the terminal states: V = V(2:end-1);