function [the_pos,the_vel,CTG] = get_ctg(theta,nActions,pos_bnds,dp,vel_bnds,dv,nTilings,memory_size) % GET_CTG - Extracts the the C(ost) T(o) G(o) function defined as % % CTG = -max_a Q(s,a) % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2008-02-19 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- % break each dimension (position and velocity) into this many cells: N_DISC = 100; the_pos = linspace( pos_bnds(1), pos_bnds(2), N_DISC ); the_vel = linspace( vel_bnds(1), vel_bnds(2), N_DISC ); CTG = zeros(N_DISC,N_DISC); Q = zeros(1,nActions); for pi=1:N_DISC, for vi=1:N_DISC, % scale the position and velocity: sts = [ the_pos(pi)/dp, the_vel(vi)/dv ]; for ai=1:nActions, fl = GetTiles_Mex(nTilings,sts,memory_size,ai); Q(ai) = sum( theta(fl) ); end Qmx = max(Q); CTG(pi,vi) = -Qmx; end end