function [theta,avg_ts_per_episode] = mnt_car_learn(nEpisodes, epsilon,gamma,alpha,lambda,ACC_ET, DO_PLOTS) % MNT_CAR_LEARN - Learns the linear parameters for the mountain car example % using linear, gradient-decent SARSA(\lambda) with binary features and an \epsilon-greedy policy % % Inputs: % epsilon: the probabiity of an exploratory move % gamma: the discount factor % alpha: the learning parameter % lambda: the blending parameter % ACC_ET: the type of elagability trace to use (accumulating=1 or replacing=0) % nEpisodes: the number of learning episodes % % Outputs: % theta: the linear coefficients % avg_ts_per_episode: the average number of timesteps per episdes % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2008-02-19 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- CLEAR_OTHER_TRACES = 1; % bounds on the position and velocity: pos_bnds = [ -1.2, +0.6 ]; mcar_goal_position = 0.5; vel_bnds = [ -0.07, +0.07 ]; % We'll do "nTilings" tilings with "np" and "nv" tiles in each dimension: nTilings = 10; np = 8; nv = 8; % Compute the individual tile widths: dp = diff( [ pos_bnds(1), mcar_goal_position ] )/np; dv = diff( vel_bnds )/nv; % The total number of binary features (add 2 for safty in hashing): nFeatures = nTilings*(np+2)*(nv+2); % The total number of actions: nActions = 3; % -1,0,+1 % the total hashing memory size: memory_size = nActions*nFeatures; % the maximum number of timesteps we will take during any episode: %maxNTimesteps = 1e2; maxNTimesteps = 1e3; % <- seem to require a VERY long time to finish the experiments in do_mnt_car_Exps.m %maxNTimesteps = 1e4; %maxNTimesteps = 1e5; % <- official number of max total timesteps ... % The parameters representing our linear function: theta = zeros(memory_size,1); num_ts = zeros(1,nEpisodes); % do an episode: for ei=1:nEpisodes, if( mod(ei,500)==0 ) fprintf('working on episode %10d...\n',ei); end %st = [0.0,-0.5]; % our initial state %st = [0.0, 0.0]; % our initial state st(1) = unifrnd(pos_bnds(1),mcar_goal_position); % a random initial state st(2) = unifrnd(vel_bnds(1),vel_bnds(2)); et = zeros(memory_size,1); % initialize our eligibility traces % compute Q in the state st, an epsilon greedy action selection, and the feature list: [Q,action,F] = ret_q_in_st(st,theta,nActions,dp,dv,nTilings,memory_size, epsilon); fl_at = F(action,:); for tsi=1:maxNTimesteps, et = gamma*lambda*et; % let all traces decay ... if( CLEAR_OTHER_TRACES ) % optionally clear other traces ... for ai=1:nActions, if( ai==action ) continue; end et(F(ai,:))=0.0; end end if( mod(tsi,500)==0 ) %mod(tsi,10)==0 ) fprintf('episode %10d: working on timestep %10d...\n',ei,tsi); end if( ACC_ET ) % ACCUMULATING eligibility traces et(fl_at) = et(fl_at)+1; else % REPLACING eligibility traces et(fl_at) = 1; end %if( mod(tsi,10)==0 ) figure; plot( et, 'o' ); drawnow; pause; end; close all; % take action, observe reward r, and next state s': [rew,stp1] = next_state(st,action,pos_bnds,mcar_goal_position,vel_bnds); %stp1 if( stp1(1)>=mcar_goal_position ) break; % the episode is over end % get our temporal difference: delta = rew - Q(action); % select the next action using an epsilon greedy policy: [Q,actionp,F] = ret_q_in_st(stp1,theta,nActions,dp,dv,nTilings,memory_size, epsilon); % update delta/theta/et: delta = delta + gamma*Q(actionp); %theta = theta + alpha*delta*et; theta = theta + (alpha/nTilings)*delta*et; %if( mod(tsi,10)==0 ) figure; plot( theta, 'o' ); drawnow; pause; end; close all; % update our state/action pair (for the next timestep): st = stp1; action = actionp; fl_at = F(actionp,:); if( ei==1 && tsi==428 && DO_PLOTS ) [the_pos,the_vel,CTG] = get_ctg(theta,nActions,pos_bnds,dp,vel_bnds,dv,nTilings,memory_size); figure; mesh( the_pos, the_vel, CTG ); %figure; imagesc( the_pos, the_vel, CTG.' ); axis xy; colorbar; title( sprintf('episode number %d; timestep 428',ei) ); xlabel( 'position' ); ylabel( 'velocity' ); drawnow; %saveas( gcf, sprintf('mnt_ctg_episode_%d_tm_step_328_img',ei), 'png' ); saveas( gcf, sprintf('mnt_ctg_episode_%d_tm_step_328_mesh',ei), 'png' ); end end % end timestep loop ... % print Q at the final timestep of this episode (this should be at the goal) %fprintf('Q='); fprintf('%16.6g',Q); fprintf('\n'); num_ts(ei) = tsi; if( ismember( ei, [ 1, 12, 104, 1000, 9000 ] ) && DO_PLOTS ) % <- plot these cost to go surfaces [the_pos,the_vel,CTG] = get_ctg(theta,nActions,pos_bnds,dp,vel_bnds,dv,nTilings,memory_size); figure; mesh( the_pos, the_vel, CTG ); %figure; imagesc( the_pos, the_vel, CTG.' ); axis xy; colorbar; title( sprintf('episode number %d',ei) ); xlabel( 'position' ); ylabel( 'velocity' ); drawnow; %saveas( gcf, sprintf('mnt_ctg_episode_%d_tm_step_end_img',ei), 'png' ); saveas( gcf, sprintf('mnt_ctg_episode_%d_tm_step_end_mesh',ei), 'png' ); end %pause; end %num_ts avg_ts_per_episode = mean(num_ts);