function [Q_st,ai,F] = ret_q_in_st(st,theta,nActions,dp,dv,nTilings,memory_size, epsilon) % RET_Q_IN_ST - Returns the value of Q as a function of the actions in the state st % - also returns an epsilon greedy action selection based on Q(:) % - also the feature lists "F" for all possible actions ai % % Note that this is specialized somewhat for the mountain car example from Sutton's book % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2008-02-19 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- Q_st = zeros(1,nActions); F = zeros(nActions,nTilings); for ai=1:nActions, sts(1) = st(1)/dp; sts(2) = st(2)/dv; % scale our state so that it is within unit intervals: F(ai,:) = GetTiles_Mex(nTilings,sts,memory_size,ai); Q_st(ai) = sum( theta(F(ai,:)) ); end % pick an action according to and epsilon greedy policy Q: [Q_max,ai] = max(Q_st); if( rand < epsilon ) tmp=randperm(nActions); ai=tmp(1); end