function [Q,ets,numFinishes,Model_ns,Model_nr,cr] = dynaQ_maze(alpha,epsilon,gamma,nPlanningSteps,mz_fn,s_start,s_end,MAX_N_STEPS) % DYNAQ_MAZE - Runs the dynaQ planning algorithm on a "maze" mz_fn % % Input: % gamma: the discount factor % epsilon: our epsilon greedy policy % % Ones correspond to locations we can be. % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-12-07 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- PLOT_STEPS = 0; % get the initial maze dimensions: MZ = mz_fn(0); [sideII,sideJJ] = size(MZ); % the maximal number of states: nStates = sideII*sideJJ; % on each grid we can choose from among at most this many actions: nActions = 4; % An array to hold the values of the action-value function ... with planning % it seems that the RL algorithm is very sensitive to the initial conditions % we take for Q ... this value seems to work for planning steps 0 ... 50 %Q = mean( [-1,0] )*ones(nStates,nActions); Q = -3*ones(nStates,nActions); %Q = zeros(nStates,nActions); % storage for the sequence of states we have observed % (these are stored as indices ... as produced by the matlab command "sub2ind.m") seen_states = []; % storage for the sequence of actions taken in each state % (0=>this action was never taken; 1=>action was taken) act_taken = zeros(nStates,nActions); % Some arrays to hold the model of the environment (assuming it is determinastic): Model_ns = zeros(nStates,nActions); % <- next state we will obtain Model_nr = zeros(nStates,nActions); % <- next reward we will obtain if( PLOT_STEPS ) figure; imagesc( zeros(sideII,sideJJ) ); colorbar; hold on; plot( s_start(2), s_start(1), 'x', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'k' ); plot( s_end(2), s_end(1), 'o', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'k' ); end % keep track of how many timestep we take per episode: ets = []; ts=0; % keep track of how many times we reach the end of our maze: numFinishes = 0; % keep track of how many times we have solved our problem in this number of timesteps: cr = zeros(1,MAX_N_STEPS+1); cr(1) = 0; % initialize the starting state st = s_start; sti = sub2ind( [sideII,sideJJ], st(1), st(2) ); for tsi=1:MAX_N_STEPS, tic; % if( tsi==1 ) % fprintf('working on step %d...\n',tsi); % else % fprintf('working on step %d (ptt=%10.6f secs)...\n',tsi, toc); tic; % end if( 0 && mod(tsi,100)==0 ) fprintf('working on step %d (ptt=%10.6f secs)...\n',tsi, toc); tic; end % pick action using an epsilon greedy policy derived from Q: [dum,at] = max(Q(sti,:)); % at \in [1,2,3,4]=[up,down,right,left] if( rand8000 ) num2act = { 'UP', 'DOWN', 'RIGHT', 'LEFT' }; plot( st(2), st(1), 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'g' ); title( ['action = ',num2act(atp1)] ); plot( stp1(2), stp1(1), 'o', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'k' ); drawnow; end %pause; end % end planning loop % shift everything by one (this completes one "step" of the algorithm): st = stp1; sti = stp1i; ts=ts+1; % for continual planning ... if we have "solved" our maze we will start over: if( ( (stp1(1)==s_end(1)) && (stp1(2)==s_end(2)) ) ) % stp1 is the terminal state st = s_start; sti = sub2ind( [sideII,sideJJ], st(1), st(2) ); % record that we took "ts" timesteps to get to the solution (end state) ets = [ets; ts]; ts=0; % record that we got to the end: numFinishes = numFinishes+1; % record that we got to the end: cr(tsi+1) = cr(tsi)+1; else % record that we did not get to the end and our cummulative reward count does not change: cr(tsi+1) = cr(tsi); end end % end episode loop function [rew,stp1,stp1i] = stNac2stp1(st,act,MZ,sideII,sideJJ,s_end) % STNAC2STP1 - state and action to state plus one and reward % % convert to row/column notation: ii = st(1); jj = st(2); % incorporate any actions and fix our position if we end up outside the grid: % switch act case 1, % % action = UP % stp1 = [ii-1,jj]; case 2, % % action = DOWN % stp1 = [ii+1,jj]; case 3, % % action = RIGHT % stp1 = [ii,jj+1]; case 4 % % action = LEFT % stp1 = [ii,jj-1]; otherwise error(sprintf('unknown value for of action = %d',act)); end % adjust our position of we have fallen outside of the grid: % if( stp1(1)<1 ) stp1(1)=1; end if( stp1(1)>sideII ) stp1(1)=sideII; end if( stp1(2)<1 ) stp1(2)=1; end if( stp1(2)>sideJJ ) stp1(2)=sideJJ; end % if this trasition has placed us at a forbidden place in our maze no transition takes place: if( MZ(stp1(1),stp1(2))==1 ) stp1 = st; end % convert to an index: stp1i = sub2ind( [sideII,sideJJ], stp1(1), stp1(2) ); % get the reward for this step: % if( (ii==s_end(1)) && (jj==s_end(2)) ) rew=0; %rew = 1; else rew=-1; %rew = 0; end