function res = BSAS(X,theta,q) % BSAS - Basic Sequential Algorithmic Scheme % % Inputs: % X : [ number_of_samples by number_of_features ] matrix of feature vectors % theta : threshold of dissimilarty % q : maximum number of clusters % % Outputs: % res : the resulting point labels with values between [1, number of clusters] % % Notes: % For this scheme one needs to define the distance between a point x_i and a cluster C_j. % This implementation uses the cluster represntative is the mean and the distance between % x_i and C_j is the Euclidean distance between x_i and the cluster reprentative. % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-07-01 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- N = size(X,1); nFeatures = size(X,2); labels = zeros(1,N); % zero means the point is not yet labeled m=1; labels(1)=1; for ii = 2:N, % find C_k : d(x_ii,C_k) = min_{1 <= j <= m} d(x_ii,C_j) % [ d_x_i_C_k, k ] = findClosestCluster( ii, labels, X ); if( (d_x_i_C_k > theta) && (m