function [thetas,numFoundClusters] = estimateNumberOfClusters(X,s,Nsteps, q) % ESTIMATENUMBEROFCLUSTERS - Estimates the number of clusters on the given data set using BSAS. % % Inputs: % X : [ number_of_samples by number_of_features ] matrix of feature vectors % s : number of monte carlo trials to do for each threshold "theta" in the BSAS algorithm % Nsteps : number of steps to take between the min and max thresholds [a,b] % q : maximum number of clusters used in BSAS % % Notes: % For this scheme one needs to define the distance between points x_i and x_j. % This implementation uses distance between x_i and x_j to be the Euclidean % distance. % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-07-01 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- N = size(X,1); nFeatures = size(X,2); % Compute the distances between all pairs of points: Xd = pdist(X, 'euclidean'); % Compute a/b the minimum/maxium distance between any samples in X: % a = min(Xd); b = max(Xd); thetas = linspace( a, b, Nsteps ); numFoundClusters = zeros( s, Nsteps ); for ti = 1:Nsteps, t = thetas(ti); for si = 1:s, labs = BSAS( X(randperm(N),:), t, q ); numFoundClusters(si,ti) = length(unique(labs)); end end