function [d_x_i_C_k,k] = findClosestCluster( ii, labels, X ) % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2007-07-01 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- ulabels = unique(labels); if( ulabels(1)==0 ) ulabels = ulabels(2:end); % drop the value of 0 which indicates this point has not been labeled end x_ii_to_cluster = []; for lab = ulabels, inds = find( labels==lab ); rep = getClusterRepresentative( inds, X ); d = sqrt( ( X(ii,:)' - rep )' * ( X(ii,:)' - rep ) ); x_ii_to_cluster = [ x_ii_to_cluster, d ]; end [d_x_i_C_k,mind] = min(x_ii_to_cluster); k = ulabels(mind); % the cluster index to which x_i is closest