function labels = merging(X,labels,M1) % MERGING - The simple cluster merging procedure of Fu 93 % % Inputs: % X : [ number_of_samples x number_of_features ] matrix of feature vectors % labels : a cluster label for each point in the data set X indexed from 1 % (0 would means that this point is not a member of any cluster) % M1: specifies the closeness of two clusters (in units of physical distance) % % Notes: % For this scheme one needs to define the distance between two clusters C_i and C_j. % This implementation uses a cluster representative given by the mean of the points % in the cluster and the distance between two clusters C_i and C_j is then taken to be % the Euclidean distance between the two cluster reprentatives. % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2010-04-13 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- N = size(X,1); nFeatures = size(X,2); while 1 % find the two closest clusters C_i and C_j: % uLabels = unique(labels); nULabels = length(uLabels); closestClusters = []; % will hold the index of the two closest clusters i.e. closestClusters = [ 1, 5 ] minDist = Inf; for ii=1:nULabels, inds_ii = find( labels==uLabels(ii) ); cRep_ii = getClusterRepresentative(inds_ii, X); for jj=ii+1:nULabels, inds_jj = find( labels==uLabels(jj) ); cRep_jj = getClusterRepresentative(inds_jj, X); dij = norm( cRep_ii - cRep_jj ); if( dijM1 ) break; end % - Otherwise we merge clusters C_ii and C_jj % ii = closestClusters(1); jj = closestClusters(2); inds_jj = find( labels==uLabels(jj) ); labels(inds_jj) = uLabels(ii); end