function [A,R] = co_occurrence(I, d,phi) % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2005-08-04 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % % Epage % %----- assert( d>0, 'negative d' ); [di,dj] = phi_to_xy_increment(phi); % Make sure that the pixels of I have values that are indexed from 1,2,...N_g: uElts = unique( I(:) ); N_g = length(uElts); Icp = zeros(size(I)); for ii=1:N_g inds = find( I(:)==uElts(ii) ); Icp(inds) = ii; end I = Icp; A = zeros(N_g,N_g); [M,N] = size(I); for ii=1:M % row index for jj=1:N % column index I_1 = I(ii,jj); % step in the positive d direction: ii_new = ii+di*d; in_I_Range = (ii_new > 0) && (ii_new < M+1); jj_new = jj+dj*d; in_J_Range = (jj_new > 0) && (jj_new < N+1); if( in_I_Range && in_J_Range ) I_2 = I(ii_new,jj_new); A(I_1,I_2) = A(I_1,I_2) + 1; end % step in the negative d direction: ii_new = ii-di*d; in_I_Range = (ii_new > 0) && (ii_new < M+1); jj_new = jj-dj*d; in_J_Range = (jj_new > 0) && (jj_new < N+1); if( in_I_Range && in_J_Range ) I_2 = I(ii_new,jj_new); A(I_1,I_2) = A(I_1,I_2) + 1; end end end R = sum(A(:)); A = A/R;