function [u,xgrid] = crank_fd_LU( payoff_fn, u_m_inf, u_p_inf, r, sigma, xLeft, xRight, Nx, tau_Max, M ) % % Solves the diffusion equation using the Crank-Nicolson finite-difference model using the LU solver % % See the Epage 176 in Wilmotts book: The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2008-06-11 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- xgrid = linspace( xLeft, xRight, Nx+1 ); dx = (xRight-xLeft)/Nx; dt = tau_Max/M; a = dt/(dx*dx); a2 = 0.5*a; k = r/(0.5*sigma^2); % get the initial conditions: tau = 0.0; oldu = payoff_fn( xgrid, tau, k ); oldu = oldu(:).'; y = lu_find_y( zeros(1,Nx+1), a2 ); u = zeros(M+1,Nx+1); % <- space for our results ... u(1,:) = oldu; newu = zeros(1,Nx+1); b = zeros(1,Nx+1); for m=1:M, tau = m*dt; b( 2:(end-1) ) = (1-a)*oldu( 2:(end-1) ) + a2*( oldu( 3:end ) + oldu( 1:(end-2) ) ); % update the endpoints: oldu(1) = u_m_inf( xgrid(1), tau, k ); oldu(end) = u_p_inf( xgrid(end), tau, k ); b(2) = b(2) + a2*oldu(1); b(end-1) = b(end-1) + a2*oldu(end); [newu] = lu_solver( oldu, b, y, a2 ); % prepare for the next pass: oldu = newu; % store u(m+1,:) = newu; end