function u = lu_solver( u, b, y, a ) % See the Epage 163 in Wilmotts book: The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2008-06-11 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- q = zeros(size(u)); Nminus = 1; Nplus = length(y); q(2) = b(2); %q(3:(end-1)) = b(3:(end-1)) + a*q(2:(end-2))./y(2:(end-1)); % <- incorrect .. can't vectorize in this way for n=3:(Nplus-1), q(n) = b(n) + a*q(n-1)/y(n-1); end u(Nplus-1) = q(Nplus-1)/y(Nplus-1); for n=(Nplus-2):-1:(Nminus+1), u(n) = (q(n)+a*u(n+1))/y(n); end