function [H,r,t] = IAR3D(alpha,beta,vol,expry,fixedrate,period,NRS,NTS) % IAR3D - solve the index amortizing rate swap equation. % % Written by: % -- % John L. Weatherwax 2006-12-31 % % email: % % Please send comments and especially bug reports to the % above email address. % %----- dt = expry/NTS; dr = 3*fixedrate/NRS; % compute the grid of interest rates: r = (0:NRS)' * dr; % compute the grid of timesteps: t = (0:NTS)' * dt; % Compute the grid of final conditions on H: % % We integrate by marching along each column from the % first column (final condition) to the last (initial condition) % % H(:,1) = is the final time t=T for all r ... % H(:,end) = is the initial time t=0 for all r % H(1,:) = is the smallest interest rate r=0 % H(end,:) = is the largest interest rate H = zeros(NRS+1,NTS+1); H(:,1) = r - fixedrate; for k=1:NTS, % column index 1=>t=T, end=>t=0 tim = (k-1)*dt; % = time till expiration = T-t delta = ( H(3:(NRS+1),k) - H(1:(NRS-1),k) ) / (2.0*dr); gamma = ( H(3:(NRS+1),k) - 2 * H(2:NRS,k) + H(1:(NRS-1),k) )/( dr*dr ); theta = -0.5 * vol * vol * r(2:NRS) .* r(2:NRS) .* gamma - ... ( alpha - beta * r(2:NRS) ) .* delta + r(2:NRS) .* H(2:NRS,k); % bond pricing equation H(2:NRS,k+1) = H(2:NRS,k) - dt * theta; % boundary contitions: slopey = (H(2,k) - H(1,k))/dr; timederiv = -alpha * slopey; H(1,k+1) = H(1,k) - dt * timederiv; H(NRS+1,k+1) = 2 * H(NRS,k+1) - H(NRS-1,k+1); % jump condition: if( floor(tim/period) < floor((tim+dt)/period) - 0.001 ) H(:,k+1) = amortizing_schedule(r) .* H(:,k+1) + r - fixedrate; end end