A Riemann Solver For the Euler Equations of Gas Dynamics

by John Weatherwax

Here you'll find code in FORTRAN implementing a Riemann solver for the Euler equations of gas dynamics. The Euler equations of gas dynamics are given by the following system of three partial differential equations
Where E is the total energy, i.e. the sum of the kinetic plus the potential (internal) energy given by
For a gamma gas law (ideal gas) it can be shown that the specific internal energy e is given by
where gamma is a given constant (for air it is about 1.4). With all of these definitions the system above is closed in terms of the three conservative variables
or the three primitive variables
A Riemann problem is the solution to the above partial differential equations with a discontinuous initial condition given by
The Riemann solver itself is contained in the file "riemann_eu.f", but a simple driver application is compiled when one builds the package. The driver application is called "ne.out" and reads its input from a text file called "newt.inp". In this text file one specifies the left and right states, a Courant like number for use in printing, and some flags that control output. Currently the code is set to solve the "Sod" Riemann problem with initial conditions given by
The current flags settable in newt.inp are (they can be turned on or off) Note an input to the routine riemann_eu.f requires the sound speed of the state to each side of the interface. This is given by (and can be computed with)
As an output from this Riemann solver we also produce the left and right Riemann invariants for this system. The left going Riemann invariant is constant on paths governed by the left facing characteristics (ones traveling on dx/dt=u-c) and is also called a 3-Riemann invariant since it is constant across 3-integral waves. For the Euler equations they are defined by
The right Riemann invariant is constant on paths governed by the right going characteristics (dx/dt=u+c) and is also called a 1-Riemann invariant since it is constant across 1-integral waves. For the Euler equations they are defined by
Note that these definitions of the Riemann invariants are twice that found in the book:
Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves
by R. Courant and K. O. Friedrichs
Interscience Publishers, Inc. New York, 1948
For further information one can also see the book:
Finite Volume Methods For Hyperbolic Problems
by Randall J. LeVeque
Solving the above Riemann problem produces the following left and right wave curves (the wave curve through the left state is the red curve and the wave curve through the right state is the blue curve)
With plots of the waves released in velocity at one unit of time from the initial conditions (the central node tracks the location of the contact) look like:
The plot of pressure at one unit of time than the initial conditions (the central node tracks the location of the contact) look like:
The plots in density at one unit of time from the initial conditions look like:
When the delivered code is built it contains an additional program to compute the wave curves centered at a given state. The program is called "twc.out" Finally, here is the code As always, I am interested in hearing back if any errors are found to exist.
John Weatherwax
Last modified: Sat Aug 19 10:20:07 EDT 2006