This is the first release of some code I have written for solving ordinary differential equations with Octave. It currently is a C++/octave API wrapper that calls the routine "ode.f" an Adam's methods described in

Computer Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations:
The Initial Value Problem
by L. F. Shampine and M. K. Gordon.

Please reference this software in any publications that result from its use. A sample bibtex entry is below

author = "J L. Weatherwax",
title = "Software for solving ODEs with Octave",
text = "ODEG: An Octave Gateway Routine to ode.f.",
year = "2005",
url = "http://web.mit.edu/wax/www/Software/ode.html"

Please send any comments to the address below.

ODE Versions Follow:

John Weatherwax
Last modified: Fri Nov 11 14:19:11 EST 2005