Code and Results for Chapter 10:

These are results and code for the problems and examples found in Chapter 10 of this famous book.

Various Figures and Problems:
  1. chap_10_calculations.m (simple calculations for Problems 2-4)
  2. chap_10_prob_10.m (a gasoline station)
  3. chap_10_prob_11.m (a printing shop)
  4. chap_10_prob_12.m (dividing the work up)
  5. chap_10_prob_13.m (finding space for all customers)
  6. chap_10_prob_14.m (bottling plants)
  7. mm1_queue_cap_N.m (Returns the M/M/1 queue steady state probability when we have a capacity of N)
  8. machine_repair_model.m (Returns the rho_n, p_n, and p_0 for a machine repair model)
  9. solve_general_balance_equations.m (Solve the steady-state balance equations given arrays of lambda_n and mu_n)
  10. C_machines.m (returns coefficient of loss for machines)
  11. C_repairmen.m (returns coefficient of loss for repairmen)

John Weatherwax
Last modified: Mon Sep 1 05:43:13 EDT 2008