Code for Chapter 8 (Finite-Difference Methods):
- explicit_fd_driver.m (runs various functions to calculate European option prices)
- explicit_fd.m (solves the diffusion equation with an explicit method)
- implicit_fd_driver.m (runs various functions to calculate European option prices)
- implicit_fd_LU.m (an implicit finite difference scheme with LU decomposition)
- implicit_fd_SOR.m (an implicit finite difference scheme with SOR iterations)
- crank_fd_driver.m (runs various functions to calculate European option prices)
- crank_fd_LU.m (an Crank-Nicholson discretization and the LU decomposition)
- crank_fd_SOR.m (an Crank-Nicholson discretization and SOR iterations)
- lu_find_y.m (some preprocessing for the LU decomposition)
- lu_solver.m (computes the LU solution)
- SOR_solver.m (performs SOR iterations)
- European Calls (transformed payoff and boundary conditions)
- European Puts (transformed payoff and boundary conditions)
- European Cash-or-Nothing Puts (transformed payoff and boundary conditions)
John Weatherwax
Last modified: Sun May 15 08:46:24 EDT 2005